Thursday, December 2, 2010

Calling SQL Statment Inside Java Code

One of the important way for developing is calling a sql statment inside your java code and I will explain how to do this:
1- call a select statment
asume we want to make a function take department Id and return its name so we will make this function

2- Call an updatable statment as (Create, Insert, Update and Delete)asume we want to make a function take department id and delete it

where getAm() is a method return your Application Module as :

If you want to use java connection (don't want to use AppModule) you can use something like this:

Monday, July 26, 2010

Call Oracle Reports From Your ADF Application

One of the main issues that can face oracle ADF Developers is calling oracle reports.
This post will illustrate step by step how to call oracle reports.

1- Create new ADF Application and make new .jspx page (this page will be a parameter page which will send the parameters to the report).

2- Insert inside page inputTexts which will hold the parameters and insert one commandButton which will run the report.

3- Bind the command button to the method in backbean and write this code:
OracleReportBean reportBean =
new OracleReportBean("oracleServerId", "Port", null);
reportBean.setReportServerParam(OracleReportBean.RS_PARAM_DESTYPE,"DisplayType");// which will be one of the [cashe - file - mail - printer]
reportBean.setReportServerParam(OracleReportBean.RS_PARAM_DESFORMAT,"Format"); // Which will be onr of the [HTML - HTML CSS - PDF - SPREADSHEET- RTF].
reportBean.setReportParameter(parameterName1, parameterValue1);// as report name
reportBean.setReportParameter(parameterName2, parameterValue2);
reportBean.setReportParameter(parameterName3, parameterValue3);
String url = reportBean.getReportServerURL();
as in picture

4- Make a new java file which will be OracleReportBean (assume its name will be and write this code inside

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;

import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.render.ExtendedRenderKitService;
import org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.util.Service;

* This bean performs the following functions:
* Constructing the Report URL with various parameters passed in by client.
* Sending the report request.
* Execute printed report and retrieve return status in the indicated format.
* Execute a binary report (PDF, RTF, XML, with DESTYPE CACHE) and return the
* InputStream for processing.
public class OracleReportBean {

/* Report Servlet Host Settings */
private String http_host = null;
private String http_port = null;

/* Default path as per generic Oracle Appserver install */
private String servlet_path = "/reports/rwservlet";

/* Report Servlet URL params */
public static final String RS_PARAM_SERVER = "server";
public static final String RS_PARAM_USERID = "userid";
public static final String RS_PARAM_REPORT = "report";
public static final String RS_PARAM_ENVID = "envid";
public static final String RS_PARAM_DESTYPE = "destype";
public static final String RS_PARAM_DESFORMAT = "desformat";
public static final String RS_PARAM_STATUSFORMAT = "statusformat";
public static final String RS_PARAM_DESNAME = "desname";
public static final String RS_PARAM_PAGESTREAM = "pagestream";
public static final String RS_PARAM_DELIMITER = "delimiter";
public static final String RS_PARAM_ORIENTATION = "orientation";
public static final String RS_PARAM_DISTRIBUTE = "distribute";
public static final String RS_PARAM_FILETYPE = "FILETYPE";
public static final String RS_PARAM_REP_VA = "REP_VA";

private String value_keyMap = null;

/* Static values for destination formats */
public static final String DESFORMAT_PDF = "PDF";
public static final String DESFORMAT_HTML = "HTML";
public static final String DESFORMAT_POSTSCRIPT = "POSTSCRIPT";
public static final String DESFORMAT_DELIMITED = "DELIMITED";
public static final String DESFORMAT_XML = "XML";
public static final String DESFORMAT_RTF = "RTF";

/* Static values for destination types*/
public static final String DESTYPE_MAIL = "mail";
public static final String DESTYPE_PRINTER = "printer";
public static final String DESTYPE_FILE = "file";
public static final String DESTYPE_LOCAL_FILE = "localFile";
public static final String DESTYPE_CACHE = "cache";

/* Static values for distribute */
public static final String DISTRIBUTE_YES = "YES";
public static final String DISTRIBUTE_NO = "NO";

/*Static values for status format */
public static final String STATUSFORMAT_XML = "XML";
public static final String STATUSFORMAT_HTML = "HTML";

/* Static values for report orientation */
public static final String ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT = "PORTRAIT";
public static final String ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE = "LANDSCAPE";
public static final String ORIENTATION_DEFAULT = "DEFAULT";

/* HashMap to hold individual report parameters*/
private HashMap reportParams = new HashMap();

/* HashMap to hold report server params */
private HashMap reportServerParams = new HashMap();

/* Report Servlet */
private StringBuffer reportURL = new StringBuffer();
// private String XMLReturnStatus = null;

* Constructor
public OracleReportBean(String p_http_host, String p_http_port,
String p_servlet_path) {
http_host = p_http_host;
http_port = p_http_port;

/* If the servlet path is null, we assign the default path. */
if (p_servlet_path != null) {
servlet_path = p_servlet_path;

/* Default the status format to XML


* Private utility methods ...
private String buildKeyValueString(HashMap p_map) {

String map_key = null;
String param_sep = "&";
String param_equal = "=";
StringBuffer keyValueBuffer = new StringBuffer();

if (!p_map.isEmpty()) {

Iterator mapKeys = p_map.keySet().iterator();

while (mapKeys.hasNext()) {
map_key = (String);

if (mapKeys.hasNext()) {
return keyValueBuffer.toString();

/* Construct the URL for accessing the Oracle Reports Servlet */

private void constructURL() {
String param_sep = "&";

/* Clearout current URL */
reportURL = new StringBuffer();

/* HOST Section */


if (http_port != null) {

/* Add "/" separator if necessary. */
if (servlet_path.indexOf("/") > 0) {


if (value_keyMap != null) {

/*Construct Report Server Parameter URL component*/

if (!reportServerParams.isEmpty()) {

/*Construct Report Parameters URL Component*/

* Getters and Setters for the Reports Servlet
* URL parameter values.

public void setReportServerParam(String p_param, String p_value) {
reportServerParams.put(p_param, p_value);

public String getReportServerParam(String p_param) {
if (reportServerParams.containsKey(p_param)) {
return (String)reportServerParams.get(p_param);
} else {
return null;

/* Set/Get the value of a Reports KeyMap file */

public void setKeyMap(String p_keyMap) {
value_keyMap = p_keyMap;

public String getKeyMap() {
return value_keyMap;

/* Add/Update and retrieve individual report parameters */

public void setReportParameter(String paramName, String paramValue) {

reportParams.put(paramName, paramValue);

public String getReportParameter(String paramName) {

if (reportParams.containsKey(paramName)) {
return (String)reportParams.get(paramName);
} else {
return null;


* Construct and return a URL that can be used to execute the report.
public String getReportServerURL() {
return reportURL.toString();

public void openUrlInNewWindow(String url) {
ExtendedRenderKitService erks =
StringBuilder strb = new StringBuilder("'" + url + "');");
erks.addScript(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance(), strb.toString());

Oracle Report URL should be at this format

5- Save and Run the application.

You can see other way to call oracle report from this link

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Execute Code When Enter Or Exit Any Pages In Your Application

In some application developer need to execute some code at page load or need to execute some code when leave the page. If the developer need to execute the same code to many of pages in the application at page load (as sharing code will executed when any of the application page load) he need to follow this steps:

1- In your ADF Application Make a new Managed-Bean (assume its name is PageListenerBean).

2- Write this code in the Managed bean

import javax.el.ELContext;
import javax.el.ExpressionFactory;
import javax.el.ValueExpression;

import javax.faces.application.Application;
import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;

import oracle.adf.controller.v2.lifecycle.Lifecycle;

import oracle.adf.controller.v2.lifecycle.PagePhaseEvent;
import oracle.adf.controller.v2.lifecycle.PagePhaseListener;

public class PageListenerBean implements PagePhaseListener{
public PageListenerBean() {

public void afterPhase(PagePhaseEvent pagePhaseEvent) {

public void beforePhase(PagePhaseEvent pagePhaseEvent) {
if (pagePhaseEvent.getPhaseId() == Lifecycle.PREPARE_MODEL_ID) {
if (!isPostback()){
System.out.println("This Will Execute AT Page Load");

if (pagePhaseEvent.getPhaseId() == Lifecycle.METADATA_COMMIT_ID) {
if (!isPostback()){
System.out.println("This Will Execute When Leave The Page");

private boolean isPostback() {
return Boolean.TRUE.equals(resolveExpression("#{adfFacesContext.postback}"));
private Object resolveExpression(String expression) {
FacesContext facesContext = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
Application app = facesContext.getApplication();
ExpressionFactory elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
ValueExpression valueExp =
elFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, expression,
return valueExp.getValue(elContext);

3- For every page in your application you want to execute this code at page load or when you leave the page ---> Right click on your jspx page and go to your page definition. Set the attribute ControllerClass inside your pageDefinition tag as the name of the managed bean.

4- Run your page to check the results.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Main References To Learn Oracle ADF

Oracle ADF is a new technology and many people want to learn this and they want to know the main references to learn this technology. Many of them ask a question "How can I start to learn Oracle ADF?" This post will help them and take their hand to learn this technology.
You should at least know Java (J2SE) and it will be better to set with anyone (good in ADF) to explain the basic of ADF to you or take any course for ADF first because if you start from scratch it will be difficult for you to understand ADF.

I prefer, initially you can take a course for ADF, this course will open the door for your mind to go ahead and learn ADF by your self.

I have created a course in Udemy for anyone like to learn ADF. I covered almost all ADF life cycle and at end of the course I create a complete ADF application to show you how you can develop a complete ADF application. By end of this course you should be able to create a complete ADF application by yourself.

ADF can be the first step to Oracle Fusion Middleware world.

This is the course URL

The main references are:

1- JDeveloper home in oracle web site

in this site you will find this sections:

- "Overview" this section will explain the overview of some topics as JDeveloper , ADF ... and I prefered for any one does not know anything about JDveloper and ADF read this section first.

- "Getting Started - tutorials" this section will be useful for who want to learn oracle ADF

In this site you can download last version of JDeveloper, you can read the JDeveloper news, you can enter to the JDeveloper & ADF forum and read the blogs.

2- Developer’s Guide
Developer’s Guide is a PDFs file:

1- Web User Interface Developer’s Guide.
2- Fusion Developer's Guide for Model layer.
3- Desktop Integration Developer's Guide.
4- Mobile Browser Client Developer's Guide.
5- Administrator's Developer's Guide.

for learning Oracle ADF you can read Web User Interface Developer’s Guide and Fusion Developer's Guide for Model layer only.

You can download (Web User Interface Developer’s Guide) from here
You can download (Fusion Developer's Guide for Model layer) from here
You can download one pdf hold both View and Model (Oracle Jdeveloper 11g Handbook) from here

or You can find them in Oracle JDeveloper Documentation from

3- JDeveloper and ADF forum

In this forum you can ask any question or answer any asked question (but first you should have an account in oracle web site).

4- JDeveloper & ADF Blogs

This blogs one of the main references to learn oracle ADF which has a solution or a work around for any issue in ADF.

This is some of the great blogs:

1- :)

This is a 4 main reference that I depending on it for learning oracle ADF.

Hint : Anyone can find another reference please tell me to add it in this post.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

JavaScript With ADF Faces Samples

In your ADF web application you may want to use javaScript functions to perform some actions in client side. I will list some of the major javaScript functions which I use it in my applications. To use javaScript functions in your ADF Application (In JDeveloper you should do the following :

1- Put inside af:document --> af:resource component with type javaScript (prefer to put the af:resource component inside metaContainer facet of af:document).

2- use af:clientListener component to call the function.

some of the JavaScript sample :

- Open popup
function openPopup(evt){
var popup = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponent("popupId");;

- Hide poup
function aboutOkButton(event) {
var dialog = event.getSource();
var popup = dialog.findComponent("aboutPopup");

- Change component visibility
function showText()
var output1 = AdfUIComponent.findComponent("output1")
var output2 = AdfUIComponent.findComponent("output2")
var input = AdfUIComponent.findComponent("input")

if (input.value == "")


- Read value from inputText
var input1 = document.getElementById('in1::content');
var input2 = document.getElementById('in2::content');

if (input1.value == input2.value)
alert("No Equals");

- Set Panel Splitter Position
function setSplitterPos(event) {
var source = event.getSource()

insert inside af:panelSplitter ---> af:clientListener as:
< af:clientListener method="setSplitterPos" type="propertyChange"/ >

- Execute af:commandButton action

var component = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId(commanButtonId);
AdfActionEvent.queue(component, component.getPartialSubmit());

- Execute goButton

function invokeGo(event){
var component = AdfPage.PAGE.findComponentByAbsoluteId("gb1");
var redirectEvent = new AdfRedirectEvent(component, component.getDestination(), true);

Hint :
AdfRedirectEvent is an internal class and the target is not recognized. Note that on the goButton, you need to set the clientComponent property to true.

- Run file.exe
function RunExe()
var commandtoRun = "C:\\file.exe";
var objShell = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");
objShell.ShellExecute(commandtoRun, "", "", "open", 1);

- Accepting only Upper Case characters in input field

/// For IE only

function convertToUpperCase( _event ) {
var currText = null;
currText = String.fromCharCode(window.event.keyCode);
window.event.keyCode = currText.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0);

/// For Mozilla

function convertToUpperCase( _event ) {
var _keycode = _event.getKeyCode();
if( ( _keycode > 64 && _keycode < 90 ) ||

( _keycode > 96 && _keycode < 123 ) ) {

currText = String.fromCharCode(_event.getKeyCode());
currText = currText.toUpperCase();

var _textFieldField = document.getElementById ( _event.getSource().getClientId() );
var _inputFields = _textFieldField.getElementsByTagName('INPUT');
var _firstInputField = _inputFields[0];
_firstInputField.value = String.concat( _firstInputField.value, currText);

- To know which browser you use

function iEOrNot(myEvent) {
var currText = null;
myEvent = window.event;
if(navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {
// I am IE
} else if(navigator.appName != 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') {
// I am not IE

- Get screen width and hight

width = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().width;

hight= java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize().hight;

- Get Mac Address, Ip Address and Computer Name
function call(event) {
var source = event.getSource();
var macAddress = "";
var ipAddress = "";
var computerName = "";
var wmi = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}");
e = new Enumerator(wmi.InstancesOf("Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration"));
for(; !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext()) {

var s = e.item();
macAddress = s.MACAddress;
ipAddress = s.IPAddress(0);
computerName = s.DNSHostName;

- Open inputDate calender

function openDate(event) {
src = event.getSource();
popup = src.findComponent(""+AdfRichUIPeer.CreateSubId(src.getClientId(), AdfDhtmlInputDatePeer._POPUP_ID));
hints = {alignId:src.getClientId(), align:AdfRichPopup.ALIGN_END_AFTER};;

- Get keyCode of the key
function keyCode(evt) {
var k=evt.getKeyCode();

- Set cursor to inputText
function setFocus(evt) {
var t=document.getElementById('t1::content');// t1 is the inputText Id

- Change panelGroupLayout layout property

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Create PL/SQL Function And Call It From Your ADF Application

In many situations you need to create PL/SQL function in your database and call it from your application. This post will illustrate how to create PL/SQL function in your database and how to call this function. The next example will be applied in HR Schema which we will create a PL function that take an employee Id and return his name. Follow these steps:
1- Create new ADF Application assume Application name "UsingPLSQLFunction_Application".
2- Create new page assume its name "index.jspx".
3- Your Application should like this

4- Right-click in your model project -- > new --> ADF Business Components --> Business Components From Tables. Then Press Ok.
5- Choose you database connection (assume HR Schema).

6-Choose EMPLOYEES Table as an Entity. Then Choose Employees as Updatable view object. Then press in finish button.
7- Open your database navigator then open your application connection then right-click on Function then choose New Function.

8- Enter Function Name as "GET_EMPLOYEE_NAME" then press ok. 9- Write this function :




emp_name VARCHAR2(20);


select FIRST_NAME into emp_name from employees

where EMPLOYEE_ID=emp_id;

RETURN emp_name;


10 - Open your Application Module and generate AppModuleImpl file. 11- Open this file and write this function
import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;import java.sql.Types;
import oracle.jbo.JboException;

public String getEmployeeName(int empId){

CallableStatement cs=null;


cs=getDBTransaction().createCallableStatement("begin ? := GET_EMPLOYEE_NAME(?); end;",0);

cs.registerOutParameter(1, Types.VARCHAR);

cs.setInt(2, empId);


return cs.getString(1);

}catch(SQLException e){

throw new JboException(e);



12- Open AppModule -- > java --> client Interface then shuttle this function.

13- From your Data Control drag your function in the page then choose ADF Parameter Form.
14- Right-click in the generated button then choose "Create Method Binding For Action" then create a manged bean.
15- The commandButton Method will be like this
public String cb1_action() {
BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("getEmployeeName");
Object result = operationBinding.execute();
System.out.println("Result= " + result); // result will be the output of PL function
if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
return null;
return null;
16- Save your Application then run index.jspx.